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1135 Entries found
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2181: Britain's Imperial Century, 1815-1914: A Study of Empire and Expansion
Ionian History | Πρακτικά Α΄ Συνεδρίου 'Επτανησιακού Πολιτισμού': Κοινωνία, Οικονομία και Πολιτισμός στα Επτάνησα (1386-1864) | Hyam Ronald |
0292: Britain's Ionian Consul: Spiridion Foresti and the Return to the Islands 1807-1810
Ionian History | Chessell, C. I. | 2010 |
2047: British business history and the culture of business
Ionian History | Business History and business culture | Westall M. Oliver |
2026: British business history, 1720-1994
Ionian History | Η ασφάλιση των γαλαξειδιώτικων πλοίων | Wilson F. John |
2315: British Colonial Consitutions, 1947
Ionian History | Empire, the Sea and Global History. Britain's Maritime World, c.1763-c.1840 | Wight Martin |
1952: British Economic Interests in the Lower Danube and the Balkan Shore of the Black Sea between 1803 and 1829
Ionian History | Η ασφάλιση των γαλαξειδιώτικων πλοίων | The Journal of European Economic History | Cernovodeanu Paul |
2176: British Imperialism, 1688-2000
Ionian History | Πρακτικά Α΄ Συνεδρίου 'Επτανησιακού Πολιτισμού': Κοινωνία, Οικονομία και Πολιτισμός στα Επτάνησα (1386-1864) | Cain J. P. and Hopkins G. A. |
1983: British Multinational Enterprise and British Business History since the Nineteenth Century
Ionian History | Η ασφάλιση των γαλαξειδιώτικων πλοίων | Zeitschrift fur Unternehmensgeschichte | Geoffrey Jones |
2216: British Shipbuilding and the State since 1918: A Political Economy of Decline
Ionian History | Πρακτικά Α΄ Συνεδρίου 'Επτανησιακού Πολιτισμού': Κοινωνία, Οικονομία και Πολιτισμός στα Επτάνησα (1386-1864) | Johnman Lewis, Murphy Hugh |
2749: British Shipping and World Competition
Ionian History | Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο: Η ένωση της Επτανήσου με την Ελλάδα, 1864-2004 | Sturmey G. S. |
2340: British Shipping: Its History, Organisation and Importance
Ionian History | Empire, the Sea and Global History. Britain's Maritime World, c.1763-c.1840 | Kirkaldy W. Adam |
1775: British Timber Imports and Finnish Shipping 1860-1910
Ionian History | Research in Maritime History | Yrjφ Kaukiainen |
2397: British Trade in The Danubian Ports of Galatz and Braila between 1837 and 1853
Ionian History | Empire, the Sea and Global History. Britain's Maritime World, c.1763-c.1840 | The Journal of European Economic History | Cernovodeanu Paul and Marinescu Beatrice |
0308: Britonian Project
Ionian History |
2213: Brown-, Green-, and Blue-Water Fleets: The Influence of Geography on Naval Warfare, 1861 to the Present
Ionian History | Πρακτικά Α΄ Συνεδρίου 'Επτανησιακού Πολιτισμού': Κοινωνία, Οικονομία και Πολιτισμός στα Επτάνησα (1386-1864) | Lindberg Michael, Todd Daniel |
2513: Business Enterprise in Moder Britain. From the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century
Ionian History | Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο: Η ένωση της Επτανήσου με την Ελλάδα, 1864-2004 | Kirby W, Maurice and Rose B. Mary (eds) |
2046: Business History and business culture
Ionian History | Enterprise in Modern Britain | Godley Andrew and Westall M. Oliver |
2235: Business History around the World
Ionian History | Πρακτικά Α΄ Συνεδρίου 'Επτανησιακού Πολιτισμού': Κοινωνία, Οικονομία και Πολιτισμός στα Επτάνησα (1386-1864) | Amatori Franco-Jones Geoffrey |
1949: Capital, Credit and Enterprise in the Industrial Revolution
Ionian History | Η ασφάλιση των γαλαξειδιώτικων πλοίων | The Journal of European Economic History | Mathias Peter |
2548: Capitalists in spite of themselves. Elite Conflict and Economic Transitions in Early Modern Europe
Ionian History | Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο: Η ένωση της Επτανήσου με την Ελλάδα, 1864-2004 | Lachmann Richard |
1656: Cenni sulla origine della famiglia del Conte Demetrio Caruso colla esposizione di alcuni fatti e documenti relativi alla sua vita politica
Ionian History | Ansted D. T. |
1987: Challenges to Theory Development in Entrepreneurship Research
Ionian History | Η ασφάλιση των γαλαξειδιώτικων πλοίων | Journal of Management Studies | Amit Raphael, Glosten Lawrence and Muller Eitan |
1982: Chambers of Commerce and Business Elites in Great Britain and Brazil in the Nineteenth Century: Some Comparisons
Ionian History | Η ασφάλιση των γαλαξειδιώτικων πλοίων | Business History Review | Ridings Eugene |
2407: Change and Adaptation in Maritime History. The North Atlantic Fleets in the Nineteenth Century
Ionian History | Empire, the Sea and Global History. Britain's Maritime World, c.1763-c.1840 | Fischer R. Lewis, Panting E. Gerald (eds) |
1962: Changes in the Training of the Power Elites in Western Europe
Ionian History | Η ασφάλιση των γαλαξειδιώτικων πλοίων | The Journal of European Economic History | Brezis S. Elise and Crouzet Francois |
2257: Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century: The wheels of commerce
Ionian History | From an ancient sea to a modern network: Adrionian Extrema - Proxima. Visions, echoes, maps & routes | Braudel Fernand |
2058: Co-operative structures in global business. Communicating, transferring knowledge and learning across the corporate frontier
Ionian History | Entrepreneurship in Theory and History | Boyce H. Gordon |
1777: Coal and Canvas: Aspects of the Competition between Steam and Sail, c. 1870-1914
Ionian History | Research in Maritime History | Yrjφ Kaukiainen |
2065: Coase Encounters and Formal Models: Taking Gibbons Seriously
Ionian History | Entrepreneurship in Theory and History | Administrative Science Quarterly | Granovetter Mark |
2313: Colonialism and Neocolonialism
Ionian History | Empire, the Sea and Global History. Britain's Maritime World, c.1763-c.1840 | Sartre Jean-Paul |
2312: Colonialism in Question: Theory, Knowledge, History
Ionian History | Empire, the Sea and Global History. Britain's Maritime World, c.1763-c.1840 | Cooper Frederick |
2310: Colonialism: A Theoretical Review
Ionian History | Empire, the Sea and Global History. Britain's Maritime World, c.1763-c.1840 | Osterhammel Jϋrgen |
2175: Colonization. A Global History
Ionian History | Πρακτικά Α΄ Συνεδρίου 'Επτανησιακού Πολιτισμού': Κοινωνία, Οικονομία και Πολιτισμός στα Επτάνησα (1386-1864) | Ferro Marc |
2165: Colonization: A Study of the Founding of New Societies
Ionian History | Πρακτικά Α΄ Συνεδρίου 'Επτανησιακού Πολιτισμού': Κοινωνία, Οικονομία και Πολιτισμός στα Επτάνησα (1386-1864) | Keller Galloway Albert |
2264: Commerce et Navigation dans l' empire ottoman au XVIIIe siθcle
Ionian History | From an ancient sea to a modern network: Adrionian Extrema - Proxima. Visions, echoes, maps & routes | Panzaq Daniel |
1926: Commercial Development and Economic Importance of the Port of Thessaloniki from the Late Eighteenth Century to 1856
Ionian History | Proceedings of the XVIIth Conference on War and Society in East Central Europe | Vacalopoulos A. Constantin |
1980: Commercial Risk and Capital Formation in Early America: Virginia Merchants and the Rise of American Marine Insurance, 1750-1815
Ionian History | Η ασφάλιση των γαλαξειδιώτικων πλοίων | Business History Review | Crothers Glenn A. |
1990: Commodity Chains and Networks in Emerging Markets: New Zealand, 1880-1910
Ionian History | Η ασφάλιση των γαλαξειδιώτικων πλοίων | Business History Review | Hunter Ian |
1994: Compexity,Community Structure and Competitive Advantage within Yorkshire Woolen Industry, c.1700-1850
Ionian History | Η ασφάλιση των γαλαξειδιώτικων πλοίων | Business History | Caunce A. S. |
2420: Connections. An Introduction to the Economics of Networks
Ionian History | Empire, the Sea and Global History. Britain's Maritime World, c.1763-c.1840 | Goyal Sanjeev |
2346: Consolati di Mare and Chambers of Commerce. Proceedings of a Conference held at the Foundation for International Studies (Valetta, 1998)
Ionian History | Empire, the Sea and Global History. Britain's Maritime World, c.1763-c.1840 | Vassalo Carmel (ed.) |
2000: Contemplating Delivery: Futures Trading and the Problem of Commodity. Exchange n the United States, 1875-1905
Ionian History | Η ασφάλιση των γαλαξειδιώτικων πλοίων | American Historical Review | Levy Ira Jonathan |
0289: Convention entre les cours de Vienne, de St. Pétersbourg, de Londres et de Berlin, pour fixer le sort des sept îles Ioniennes; signée à Paris le 5 novembre 1815
Ionian History | Austria and Russia and Great Britain and Prussia (Kingdom)} | 1815 |
1666: Corfou et les Iles Ioniennes
Ionian History | Politis N. Jaques |
2525: Corfu Depicted in Yesteryear's Postcards. Yiannis Petsalis Collection
Ionian History | Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο: Η ένωση της Επτανήσου με την Ελλάδα, 1864-2004 | Boyce Gordon, Ville Simon |
2417: Cross-cultural trade in world history
Ionian History | Empire, the Sea and Global History. Britain's Maritime World, c.1763-c.1840 | Curtin D. Philip |
2048: Culture as an economic asset
Ionian History | Business History and business culture | Casson Mark |
2200: Dartmouth and Its Neighbours. A History of the Port and Its People
Ionian History | Πρακτικά Α΄ Συνεδρίου 'Επτανησιακού Πολιτισμού': Κοινωνία, Οικονομία και Πολιτισμός στα Επτάνησα (1386-1864) | Freeman Ray |
2762: Das Haus Mahs. Eine internationale Unternehmerfamilie im Russischen Reich, 1750-1918
Ionian History | Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο: Η ένωση της Επτανήσου με την Ελλάδα, 1864-2004 | Sartor Wolfgang |
2033: Definitions and Development: Key Debates in Family Business Research
Ionian History | The Oxford Handbook of Entrepreneurship | Howorth Carole, Rose Mary and Hamilton Eleanor |
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The research project is implemented within the framework of the Action “Supporting Postdoctoral Researchers» of the Operational Program "Education and Lifelong Learning" (Action’s Beneficiary: General Secretariat for Research and Technology), and is co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Greek State.